Photo of Klaudia Gawlas

Klaudia Gawlas

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Deep, atmospheric, melodic techno - this is what makes Kaludia Gawlas happy. For nearly two decades the impassioned musician has been following her calling, packing stages at some of the most acclaimed clubs and festivals, and topping lists of DJ polls. Apart from natural skill and talent, her unwavering commitment and an unquenchable desire to constantly stay true to herself have undoubtedly played an important role in how she got here today.

From a young age, the Polish artist picked up the guitar and started to experiment with different keyboards. This fueled her decision to take music courses, but quickly realized that this type of  formal education was not providing her with what she really wanted - to express the music that was inside of her. Luckily, it didn’t take long for her to acquire a Commodore 64 and start making her own beats. However, her passion and talent for creating music was challenged by her family who wanted Kaludia to choose a career that was more ‘realistic’. In an attempt to appease her parents, she completed her education and traveled to the United States in pursuit of her purpose in life. What she came back with was just that, clarity that she wanted to dedicate herself to techno.

After returning to Germany, Klaudia put all of her energy into booking shows wherever she could. Playing at small clubs and paying her dues only affirmed Klaudia’s decision to pour herself into her music. In 2008 her big break came when she won a mixtape contest and received the opportunity to play at the Ruhr in Love Raveline floor. Slowly, but steadily after that her career began to grow. Then came one of the biggest releases of her career; when ‘Papillon’ came out in 2013 her position in the techno world solidified. Since delivering us that hit and rising to the top, her name has been seen among other big acts playing at Mayday, Time Warp, Nature One, Awakenings, and Tomorrowland.