The Beat Goes On: Unraveling Tube & Berger's Journey

Nov 30, 2023

Photo of Michela Iosipov

Michela Iosipov

5 min read

Tube & Berger, a duo renowned in the electronic music scene, embody the essence of creativity and progression. Their journey, starting in the punk rock scenes of Solingen, Germany, seamlessly transitioned into the dynamic world of house music. Known for their unique blend of deep, captivating rhythms and a knack for integrating real-world sounds, their work like "Imprint of Pleasure" has not only topped charts but also reshaped genre expectations.

As co-founders of Kittball Records, they have nurtured and showcased a diverse range of underground talent, influencing the industry's landscape. From energetic performances in clubs around the world to their strategic approach in the studio, Tube & Berger are more than artists – they are catalysts of change in the music world.

In our upcoming feature, we dive into their journey, exploring the blend of experience and innovation that keeps them at the forefront of a constantly evolving scene.

What initially sparked your transition from punk rock to electronic music?

When Daft Punk released "Homework," everything made sense. It felt like a whole generation switched from Punk or Hip Hop to electronic music overnight. Concerts ended before midnight. Raves just went on and on. Crazy times, bro ;)

How has co-founding Kittball Records influenced your musical direction?

We wanted to be independent and free to release any artist or genre. A journey through the genres of underground club music. Let's see where this journey goes next.

What's the creative process typically like for Tube & Berger?

Getting to a point in the studio where we both think this feels worth continuing. I guess every producer out there is chasing this moment. Fingers crossed it still feels good the next day.

This is a very difficult task. Balance is the key. But sometimes it's good to follow your instinct or even your personal taste when it comes to finishing an idea. The only thing that beats a good idea is a better alternative.

What's the most challenging aspect of being in a music duo?

That there is another guy, having his own vision. ;)

What has been your most memorable live performance and why?

Berger crashing through the stage roof (after climbing on it) in Kiev (long before the war) was so funny. We called out the revolution and the fact that the military closed the festival and sent everyone home leaves a bad taste in my mouth now. We're missing Kiev, btw. Played there a lot.

How do you keep your sound fresh in the fast-evolving electronic music scene?

You can't jump on every bandwagon. Some trends and hypes are simply not for us. Honestly, would you like to see us playing 160 bpm hard techno and only wearing a tiny bit of latex?

Can you share a bit about your latest project or upcoming release?

Our collaboration with the Brazilian legend Vintage Culture and singer Kyle Pearce is something we are very happy about. The tune is called "Come Come."

How do you feel your music contributes to the larger conversation in electronic music?

We've seen uncountable happy faces during our sets. That is something, isn't it?

In what ways has your work with the charity 'It Began In Africa' impacted you personally?

Releasing these charity compilations and actively helping kids in Africa by uniting our scene probably was and is the best thing we have ever done. We just started working on "It Began In Africa Vol. 4."

What's a country or festival you haven't played at yet but would love to?

Especially in the U.S., there are a few festivals we haven’t played yet. I'd say Burning Man, but without rain and mud…

If you could collaborate with any artist, living or dead, who would it be?

Yo Mike Skinner from The Streets, we're still up for a session. What about you?

What's something your fans would be surprised to learn about you?

They surely would be surprised about the ghost productions we have made for people over the years.

Outside of music, do you have any hobbies or passions that influence your work?

Latest hobby is designing and releasing a pixel art retro computer game, but also wakeboarding, swimming, and saunas are great to recharge our rave batteries.

What's the funniest or most unexpected thing that's happened during a set?

There are a few things we simply can't talk about that happened that night, but we do remember it was St. Patrick's Day, and we played in Dublin, Ireland.

The bass was so loud that our eyeballs were constantly shaking, and we couldn’t see what was happening on the CDJs. The stage was so full of people, it was incredibly hot and humid, and the energy was absolutely mental. When people started stage diving, the security had to calm people down a little bit. Fun fact: The security guys were high af.

If Tube & Berger had a motto or catchphrase, what would it be?

Kill your TV.

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