Autograf & Guests event artwork

Autograf & Guests

Jul 28, 20242 PM
United States
Superior Ingredients Roof

Brooklyn, New York


Autograf is a dynamic duo originally from Chicago, known for their innovative blend of art and music. The group consists of Mikul Wing and Louis Kha, who are celebrated for their epic sound that merges melodic music with deep house influences, often featuring a mix of synthetic and organic sounds.

Autograf made their mark on the music world with their debut EP, "Future Soup EP," which featured the hit track "Dream." This song, along with others like "Heartbeat," helped establish their reputation and led to performances at major music festivals including Coachella, Lollapalooza, EDC Las Vegas, and EDC Korea. Beyond music, their live tours often include DIY visual art and interactive installations, enhancing the overall Autograf experience.

Their biggest success came with the release of their album "The Ace of You," which included tracks that showcased their growth as artists and producers. This album encapsulated their journey in the music industry and personal experiences, resonating deeply with their audience.

Autograf's upcoming event on July 28th at Superior Ingredients promises to be a memorable one. Set on the rooftop, this venue will offer an intimate setting perfect for experiencing Autograf's performances, which beautifully blend sound and visual art. July is the ideal time to host these two stars from Chicago, and we are excited and looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor!


Superior Ingredients Roof

74 Wythe Ave

Brooklyn, New York

United States

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